Scioto County Fair 2019
Thank you to all of our volunteers pictured below who staffed our booth at the 2019 Scioto County Fair. Special thanks to Cindy Craft for coordinating all the volunteers! We also want to thank Christ Sanctuary in Sciotoville as well as John Becker, State Representative from Ohio's 65th District, for their generous donations. Below, Rep. Becker presents his donation to Cindy Craft, Secretary/Treasurer of Scioto County Right to Life.
Ted & Marty Bussey
Elaine Sissel & Shirley Wagner
Jason Traylor &
Hannah Arthur
Hannah Arthur
Susan Yeager & Liam Garrison Eva Wolery & Diane Preston
Leanne Allen & Bev McGlone Larry & Judy Harris
Paul & Suellen Simpson Lindsey Jackson & Ronald McAllister